Hi, I’m Heidi
I’m a Life Coach for widows and widowers who want to create a life they love after loss.
The struggle that happens after the loss of your spouse or partner is immense and complicated. You might believe you can’t possibly find happiness again. I am here to help. I speak your language. I have been there. I understand.
Just because you may not be happy now, does not mean you will not be happy in the future.
Let me ask you a few questions:
Are you questioning who you are?
Do you find yourself living a “new normal” that has you feeling resigned to a life without happiness and belief
that it can be any different?
Are you on a roller coaster of emotions?
Do you feel incomplete without your person and that happiness is no longer available to you?
Do you think you are doing grief wrong or should be farther along on your journey with grief?
Are you overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done and not having your person to help you make those decisions?
Are you worried about what other people might think about how you are doing or what you are doing?
Do you feel guilty for wanting to move forward loving your life?
Do you question yourself on how to best parent your kids?
Have you started dating or remarried and need help navigating these new relationships?
(I could keep going but I think you get the picture :)
Guess what? This is all normal.
Everything is okay and everything is not okay!
Accepting this idea is the first step towards showing ourselves the love and compassion we need.
It’s true, your loss has forever changed you. But, there are things we do know about ourselves still and we can chose to learn and embrace who we are now.
I will help you stretch your ability to believe in a life that seems impossible right now.
I will help you become more aware of what you are thinking and how you are talking to yourself, and how this is directly connected to how you are feeling and showing up for your life.
You can turn the corner from surviving to thriving.
I will meet you right where you are and listen.
You are the only one who knows what’s best for you.
I am here to help you find those answers which lie within you.
As a Life Coach, I teach proven tools and practices that help you navigate all the ups and downs of life. You will learn tools and practices that help calm your nervous system, allowing you to think more clearly and be more in control of your life, regardless of what your circumstance is. You will understand yourself and life in a whole new way that has you showing up for your life with more confidence and love for yourself and your future.
I will listen, hold a safe, confidential, and welcoming space for you to share. I am here to help you find awareness of what is truly possible for you and your life. It’s quite likely more than you have allowed yourself to imagine, and with the right tools you can get there sooner and with more peace, clarity, and confidence.
Sign up for a free 30 minute consultation session. This gives us the opportunity to meet one another and briefly discuss where you are on your journey with grief and how my 12 week program can help give you the skills you need to move forward loving your life. I look forward to meeting you, and our time together.