Join our email community
We will welcome you with a big heartfelt embrace.
Be ready to learn and grow from one another as we all find our way forward to a life we love after loss.
Every week I will answer a question from our widowed community. Have a question for me? Submit your questions below.
Maybe you want help with a decision you need to make. Maybe you are struggling with your relationship with your in laws or kids. Maybe you are on a roller coaster of emotions you can’t seem to get off of. Whatever you are struggling with I am here to help!
When you actively participate through submitting questions and reading the weekly emails, you will feel more connected with others in our widowed community. You will feel seen and heard and understood by others’ who are on similar journeys after losing their spouse or partner.
All questions will have names omitted to keep this a safe and welcoming space for us all to share. I will also often share thoughts I might have in hopes to uplift and support you throughout your week.
We are so happy that you are here and taking this loving step towards supporting yourself on your journey.
Contact me.
Please use the form to be added to our email community, to submit email community questions, to book a massage or coaching appointment, or to reach out with any other questions you might have.